[Video] Building an AliExpress Xeon Gaming PC

So, a few days ago i bought a new case for my old gaming PC that i built in the covid 19 period to play games, my old case was very old and it was falling apart, literally. So a made a video explaining how i transferred the parts to the new case.

After the pc was ready to use, i then installed the PC in my living room to play games in my TV using my XBOX controller, the problem is, my office didn’t have any PC anymore. Thats when i have an idea to build a new PC using parts from Ali Express, such as the RAM, Processor and motherboard.

A Xeon performance compared to the i7 7700K

“neofetch of my new PC”


Marco Pegoraro

Hello, my name is Marco, welcome to my personal blog, here i write posts about tecnology, programming, life, tech reviews among other things.

By Marco Pegoraro, 2024-05-04