Brazil - One of the bad parts

Imagine this, it’s Christmas Eve, you are tired because you traveled to a nearby city that is a reference when it comes to Christmas decoration. So you go back home and wait until 12:00 PM to watch the fireworks and then go to sleep, but in Brazil, everything can happen.

Out of nowhere, a Car with a very loud sound system starts playing a “music” genre called Brazilian Funk, or just, Funk. A very bad type of music, with no sonority whatsoever and the most obscene lyrics ever written in the history of the humanity.

In the street that i live, exists a third age retirement place, i cannot understand how a person can be so selfish to turn on a music this loud in this neighborhood.

I know that the majority of the people here in Brazil just wants to live they life in peace, but there is a minority of uneducated individuals that think they are the center of the universe, and they must do things like that to feel better about themselves, and you better not think that you, yes you, a citizen that just wants peace, have the right to stand against these kind of people, because they will fight back, verbally and probably physically too.

Because they bet they lifes that they are right about the bad things that they are doing, the media always promote this kind of “culture”, using social medias, soap operas, reality shows, it is everywhere.

TikTok also influentiates a lot of this behavior, unfortunately, it isn’t common to see kids with the age of two already using TikTok because bad parents don’t wanna educate the kids the right way, when the kid is crying, it is much easier to just give a cellphone.

Creating a legion of people who just don’t know how to live respectfully in a society, and the worst part is that this is what the government wants, they want the majority of people to be manipulable, it is easier to control the population that way. If the majority of people just wants media that talks about sex all the time, there will not be any time to think about the politicians to vote in the next election, just vote in the politician that promotes impossible things and “free” stuffs.

That’s how Brazil elected a guy like Lula again, even after Lula was arrested by the Federal Police in 2018 because of corruption crimes.

This Lula government recently just created a law that says that exist a Funk’s Day, and if you say that this is a dumb ideia and a waste of tax money, probably you will be called a “Funk hater” by the people who keeps the mouse-wheel going.

My point is, it is gonna be very difficult to break this cicle, Brazil is a beautiful country and I’m sad that this is how things go here, but i need to say it, that’s all folks.


Marco Pegoraro

Hello, my name is Marco, welcome to my personal blog, here i write posts about tecnology, programming, life, tech reviews among other things.

By Marco Pegoraro, 2023-12-25